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Scroll down to view your result, but please read the following first:
90% is the passing grade for the test because that is the score needed to become a member of Rights Institute. To achieve 90% or higher usually requires taking our free Masterclass on rights.
There are three basic conceptions of rights: 1) intrinsic, which holds that rights are given to us by supernatural means and/or inhere in our DNA divorced from reason; 2) subjective, which holds that rights are whatever we will them to be, and; 3) objective, which holds that rights result from man’s identity as the reasoning being, and are identified by reason. Anyone with an intrinsic or subjective view of rights will not pass our test because they lack an objective understanding of rights. To learn an objective conception of rights and achieve 90+% on our quiz, take our free Masterclass on rights.
Here is an explanation of your score:
<30% means your understanding of the fundamentals of rights according to an objective conception of rights is poor;
31-50% means your understanding of the fundamentals of rights according to an objective conception of rights is mediocre;
51-70% means your understanding of the fundamentals of rights according to an objective conception of rights is good;
71-89% means your understanding of the fundamentals of rights according to an objective conception of rights is very good (all you are missing is a few key concepts that would make you a champion!);
90-100% means your understanding of the fundamentals of rights according to an objective conception of rights is excellent, and as such you qualify for free membership of Rights Institute.